Welcome to the Widget Connectivity Systems Home Page!

Widget Connectivity Systems Headquarters, Vaporsville, Washington

[Our Mission] [Our Goals] [Our People] [Our Products]

Our Mission

"Widget Connectivity Systems is dedicated to the development of scalable, object-oriented platforms for cross-platform designs."

Our Goals

Widget Connectivity Systems was founded on the belief that organizing diverse streams of real-time data can be accomplished through a easy-to-use, comprehensive operating environment that is not only industry-leading, but also portable and, above all, ro bust. Our ultimate goal is to develop products for simplifying complex software development projects by turning our computers from tools into trowels. We expect to attain this ambitious "holy grail" through the following:

Each of these benefits, in the long run, lets you abandon traditional ways of living and working and puts the emphasis on delivering your product.

We are also fully dedicated to supporting the citizens of the greater Vaporsville area.

Our People

Reuben G. Robinson, President and CEO

Mr. Robinson came to Widget Connectivity Systems in 1989 fresh from the Buffalo Bills offensive line. His true calling: Applying a "can-do" attitude to a robust environment that is scalable, multimedia, and object-oriented.

"The focus is on moving t echnology into the mainstream", says Reuben. "But equally important is managing business information, since it eliminates the frustration of incompatible system architectures."

Before joining our staff, Reuben was Product Specifications and Interoperab ility Specialist at ComCrash, a joint venture between U.S. West and Barnes and Noble. He also served as Director, FORTRAN Phase-Out Program at ComCrash.

President of the Vaporsville PTA, Mr Robinson enjoys long moments of self-reflection, corporate fun ctions, and family outings.

Reuben L. Ozawa, Chief Technology Officer

Mr. Ozawa came to Widget Connectivity Systems in 1991 after a stint as aide-de-camp/trainer for Larry Ellison. His key strength: Applying a "can-do" attitude to a robust environment that is industry-leading, application-focused, and scalable.

"The f ocus is on commoditizing information and its byproducts", says Reuben. "But equally important is organizing diverse streams of real-time data, since it eliminates the frustration of incompatible system architectures."

Before joining our staff, Reuben w as Manager, Interactive Solutions at RoBusto, a joint venture between U.S. West and Snapple. He also served as Vaporware Documentation Editorial Supervisor at RoBusto.

Lead trombonist in the Vaporsville symphony, Mr Ozawa enjoys Amiga hardware design, Commodore 64 hard-disk interfacing, and long walks.

Our Products

System Migration Gateway

Widget Connectivity Systems' System Migration Gateway is a high-speed, next-generation solution for horizontal OEM facilitators (HOF's) involved in egocentric interoperability packet transmission projects (EIPTP's). It combines industry-standard connect ors, multi-strategy development, full top-of-the-heap (TOH) interfacing, and guaranteed-delivery customer-driven frequency connectivity (GDCDFC).

Mainframe Conversion Plug-In

Our Mainframe Conversion Plug-In is the first highly reliable secure multi-protocol device to be fully certified by the Academic Scalable Standardization Association (ASSA). It is fully VRR-compliant, with Web-centric broadband interfaces designed to bri ng the best possible combination of through-the-roof adaptability viewing and reasonable operational logging to the all-inclusive Web-centric multi-protocol (AIWCMP) environment.

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*** Note: This page is only a demo page. All information here is fictitious, any similarities to anyone living or dead are purely coincidental.
SunLink Web Development [email protected]

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