Veterans of the Vietnam War, Inc.
Post PA-51 

U.S. Mail
Order Form

Name: ________________________
City: __________________________
State: __________ Zip ____________

Memorial Plaque:  $30.00 EA. X  _________

Memorial Clock:    $55.00 EA. X _________

Dear Daddy ------ $25.00 EA.  X_________
Plus $3.00 S&H

To America ------- $20.00 EA.  X________
Plus $3.00 S&H

(Shipping & Handling included in purchase price of Clocks and Plaques only.)
Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery

Send Checks or Money Orders to: (NO CASH)
       Veterans of the Vietnam War, Inc.
       Post PA-51
       P.O. Box 23
       Hughesville, PA  17737-0023