Chamber Committees & Their Action Plans

Agri-Business Committee

Mission: Work to ensure that the agricultural base of the Valley is maintained and help to promote a better understanding of its importance to our economy. Promote the economic benefits of agriculture and agri-business as important parts of the economy of the Central Susquehanna Valley.

Action Steps:

Sponsor 2nd "Adopt An Acre" project to help members understand the economics of
Sponsor Monthly Meeting Speaker in November to feature an agriculture theme.
Actively recruit farmers for involvement in Chamber activities.
Encourage the location of agri-business firms in the Valley.
Develop a better understanding of the problems of small farms.

Central Susquehanna Valley School and Business Partnership

(In 1996 the Board of Directors has approved the establishment of the Central Susquehanna Valley School and Business Partnership, a 501 (c) (3) corporation as an affiliate of the Chamber. With additional staff and financial resources, they will continue the activities of the Business Education Committee and expand into new ventures in School to Work initiatives.)

Mission: To enhance the quality of life in the Central Susquehanna Valley through the development of cooperative and interactive programs between business/industry and education, which will maximize the abilities of students, create productive citizens and have a positive influence on the local economy.

Action Steps:

Administer the Sun Area School to Work Partnership Grant to carry out the stated goals and
seek other grants for additional programs.
Assist in promoting the value of the SUN Area Career and Technology Center and the need
for a technically literate workforce.
Sponsor Teacher Tour Days and teacher summer internships to help educators learn more
about business in the Valley and how it operates.
Sponsor Job Shadowing programs to allow high school students in participating schools to
explore careers in the Valley.
Seek sponsors and promote scholarships for Pennsylvania Free Enterprise Week.
Seek ways to better utilize the resources of our Colleges and Universities and assist their
efforts to provide high quality education.

Economic Development Committee

(The Economic Development Committee includes three sub- committees to maximize volunteer leadership and involvement: Incubator Development, Industrial Park and Sites, and Business Retention and Expansion.)

Mission: Aggressively market the Central Susquehanna Valley as a viable location for industrial and commercial development and expansion for existing companies, start-up businesses and potential new investors in our area. Through SNEED, Inc., our local development corporation for accessing Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority funding and SIDCO, our economic development promotional and siting agency, provide all possible assistance to employment generating prospects.

Action Steps:

Utilize the CERP study recommendations to identify future regional and local development
sites and strategies.
Complete necessary studies and develop a strategy for the development of the land
purchased by SIDCO in 1995 that will be consistent with good planning in Penn Township,
Snyder County.
Increase Chamber leadership in all facets of economic development.
Collect and disseminate data and other information to assist companies seeking help with
marketing, expansion, new markets, etc.
Provide assistance to industrial and commercial firms with long range planning.

Governmental Affairs Committee

Mission: Develop, promote and articulate the business viewpoint on federal, state and local issues that impact the health and vitality of business in the Central Susquehanna Valley.

Action Steps:

Work with other Chambers of Commerce and employer organizations in Pennsylvania to
study and make recommendations for changes in the state's regulatory process that can help
Pennsylvania businesses compete in the national and global economy.
Work for state-wide Tax Reform to make the local tax burden more just.
Work for Product Liability, Malpractice, and other tort reform at the state and federal level.
Support Education Reform in Pennsylvania to provide more local authority in the
development and delivery of quality public education.
Create a closer liaison with local government units in the region to encourage the
development of opportunities for coordinating local government services.
Sponsor various governmental speakers at Chamber Monthly Meetings to help members
understand issues.
Improve the business tax climate in Pennsylvania, including continued reduction in the State
Corporate Net Income Tax .
Encourage business and industry leaders to become involved in local government.

Information Technology Committee

Mission: Coordinate efforts in the Valley to be sure state of the art telecommunications services are available to business and industry by providing influence and information to those making decisions.

Action Steps:

Work with telephone, computer, and other technological providers serving the region to
encourage the development of equipment and services needed.
Monitor legislation and regulatory action and lobby for a high level of service in the Valley.
Sponsor group trips to the PC EXPO in New York and other conferences and events that
can help our members broaden their technical knowledge.
Continue to update the Chamber Home Page on the World Wide Web and sponsor
membership group programs to promote member "Net" access.
Organize and conduct seminars and training programs to assist members in learning about
new opportunities in technology.

Membership Committee

Mission: Develop programs to welcome new businesses to the Central Susquehanna Valley and promote Chamber Membership as a benefit for all business and professional firms in the region. In addition to participating in the Chamber's Membership Campaigns, sponsor new members throughout the year and contact delayed renewals to encourage their continued participation.

Action Steps:

Represent the Chamber in business and social contacts, offering to sponsor appropriate firms
for membership.
Welcome new members and deliver Membership Plaques and ChamberGuides.
As assigned, make contacts with delayed renewals.
Organize and conduct the 6th Annual Regional Challenge Membership Campaign in the

Program Of Work Committee

Mission: Coordinate a process to allow the membership of the Chamber to define the goals and set priorities for the next Chamber Program Year.

Action Steps:

Organize and conduct the Program of Work planning session in October.
Analyze and report results to the Executive Committee, Board of Directors and

Special Events Committee

Mission: Plan, organize and conduct activities and events for Chamber members to help promote education, fellow- ship and networking.

Action Steps:

Organize and sponsor various on-going events including: the Annual Meeting and Business
Awards Dinner, the monthly Business After Hours, Office Staff Recognition Luncheon,
Annual Invitational Golf Tournament, SeafoodFEST, OktoberFEST, Theater Parties, and
other special events and/or trips for Chamber members, families and employees.
Sponsor 4th Annual Business to Business EXPO allowing interested members an opportunity
to promote their products and services.
Develop and sponsor an on-going series of "Workshops" to help members and their
employees expand their management and business skills.
Organize the Valley Showcase at the Susquehanna Valley Mall. This is open to all businesses
in the Chamber and allows public advertising.

Transportation Committee

Mission:Encourage public sector support for improved roads, streets, highways, bridges and traffic flow to enhance the Central Susquehanna Valley as a place to operate a business. This can be done by expediting vehicular traffic movements for employees, customers and cargo. Finally, this committee must work to enhance motor freight and railroads serving our area as product shipping resources.

Action Steps:

Assist with the Central Susquehanna Valley Thruway corridor study of Routes 11 & 15 and
Route 147 between the Selinsgrove ByPass and Interstate 80.
Continue support for completion of Route 15 improvements from the borders of New York
State to Maryland to compliment the State's north - south transportation network.
Work for improvements to Route 522 west of Selinsgrove in Snyder County.
Work with local and district PennDOT officials to encourage good maintenance and road
improvements to assist safety and traffic flow.
Promote utilization and growth of short line railroad services in the Valley.
Assist with the promotion use and continued upgrading of Penn Valley and Northumberland
County Airports.

Young American Awards Committee

Mission: Recognize outstanding accomplishments of students in area participating high schools for their achievement in academic and extra curricular activities. Recipients from each school district are selected each month, September through May, and are recognized at a banquet in May each year. The committee and the Chamber promote student excellence through the cooperation of Sunbury Broadcasting and several other media sources who publicize recipients on a regular basis.

Action Steps:

Establish procedure for each participating high school to select students for monthly awards.
Coordinate the submission of monthly recipients by each high school and the release to the
media in a timely manner.
Plan and organize annual Young American Awards Banquet in May.
Sponsor 1st Young American Leadership Program in April.