An important election took place for the National Officers of the Veterans of the Vietnam War, Inc. with the results announced at the National Convention held in Washington, D.C. in November, 2002.   For the first time in the history of the organization an Australian Vietnam Veteran has been elected to a position on a National level.

    Peter Forbes has been elected as the National Vice Commander with Michael Milne re-elected to the position of National Commander.  Michael Ackerfeld remains in the position of National Master Sgt-at-Arms and Richard Schlude remains in the position of National Treasurer.

    This international relationship between Australia and the U.S. has been in place for generations and it is a welcome addition to the organization which will help it to expand and reach even more veterans throughout the world.

Peter Forbes had been and continues to serve as the Australian Commander of the Veterans of the Vietnam War and will add the responsibilities of National Vice Commander to his duties.

    Congratulations to all the National Officers.

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Michael Milne
National Commander

Peter Forbes
National Vice Commander

Michael Ackerfeld - VVnW, Inc. - National Sgt -at-Arms
Michael Ackerfeld
National Master Sgt-at-Arms

Richard Schlude
National Treasurer


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