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Veterans of the Vietnam War, Inc.

National Board of Directors, and Advisors to the Board of Directors:

National Board of Directors:

Ackerfeld, Michael R.---- Board Member --  National Master Sgt.-At-Arms

Breighner, Michael T.----Board Member

Forbes, Peter J. ---------- Board Member -- National Vice Commander

Matukewicz, John L. ---- Board Member

Milne, Michael ---------- Board Member -- National Commander

Rommel, Kenneth ------- Board Member

Schlude, Richard M.----- Board Member -- National Treasurer

Spadea, John ------------ Board Member

Verespy, Nancy --------- Board Member -- National Executive Director

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Program Directors, Advisors to the Board of Directors:

Accounting/State Registration Committee:  Robert M. Urich

Bylaws Committee:  *Tony Dunlap, Thomas O'Connor (Attorney), Nancy Verespy

Convention Committee:  *Nancy Verespy, Peter Forbes

Direct Mail Advisor:  GSB Associates - Sally Baines

Education Program:  Morris Miller

Election Committee:  Ed Snyder, *Nancy Verespy

Finance/Budget Committee: *Richard M. Schlude., Nancy Verespy

Flag Awareness Committee: Peter Forbes, Nancy Verespy

Fund-Raising Committee: Frank Amalfitano, Bill Curran,  Peter Forbes, *Joseph Garvey,
                                       Smith Loy, John Matukewicz

Gang Suppression/War on Drugs Committee: Joyce Rommel, Kenneth Rommel

Grant Writing Committee: Frank Amalfitano, *Peter Forbes, Nancy Verespy

Homeless Veterans Program:  Frank Amalfitano, Robert Feldbaum, Peter Forbes, *John Spadea

Legal Advisor:  Thomas A. O'Connor Atty.

Membership/Post Liaison Committee: Anselmo "Sonny" Alvarez, *Peter Forbes,
                                                          Manuel Griffin, John Spadea, Nancy Verespy

National Color Guard Committee: Robert Feldbaum, Robert Griffin, *Gary Jenney, Sr.

National Vietnam & Gulf War Veterans Coalition: Michael T. Breighner, Peter Forbes, Michael Milne

Policy Committee: *Peter Forbes, Nancy Verespy

POW/MIA:  Joyce A. Rommel

Southeast Asian Coordinator/Minority Affairs:

Rock, Nicholas

For information contact:
Nicholas Rock
1916 Pike Place, Suite 12-616
Seattle, WA 98101-1056
Phone & Fax: 425-489-8316
e-mail: [email protected]

Veterans Day National Committee: *Michael Breighner, Michael Milne

Veterans Fund of the United States: *Peter Forbes, Michael Milne, Nancy Verespy

Veterans Health Information:  *Phil Kraft (National Veterans Services Fund)

Veterans in Conflict:  *Herbert Hennen, Robert Miller

National Veterans Service Officers: Michael R. Ackerfeld,  *Michael Milne

Veterans Service Officers: (by state)

David Hahn

Larry & Lorie Braun

Thomas E. Tabor

ED & Caryl Gobel
Linda West-Myers

Denise Ackerfeld
Laurence M. Altenburg
Frank Amalfitano
Michael A Castagnaro
Eugene P. Clark
Ray L. Colon
Louis V. DeCiantis
John F. Fox
Carol S. Herbst
Penny Kabisch
Rev. Frank LaPenna
Michael McGivern
Morris Miller
John Nevelino
Kenneth C. Rommel
James H. Rogers
Benjamin Santana
Jeremiah Simpson
Robert T. Spicer
Herbert Sweat
Patrick J. Yngstrom

Ronald E. Dull
Leo R. Gelsinger
Robert R. Gibson
Herbert W. Hennen
Beth Leidy
Robert A. Minnear
John E. Payne
Ronald L. Salvador
Richard K. Smith
Steven R. White

Anthony Celeste
John E. Frasso
Walter Mistysyn
Michael Murphy
Harry C. Russell, Sr.
John L. Russell
Richard M. Schlude
John Spadea

Anselmo (Sonny) Alvarez

Webmaster:  Marc Hoffmeister

* denotes chairperson of that particular committee

(Revised 02/03)


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are people in it who live it; sleep it, dream it, and build future plans for it "


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Veteran Resources

Veterans of the Vietnam War, Inc.
International Headquarters
805 So. Township Boulevard
Pittston, PA  18640-3327

Phone: 570-603-9740
Fax : 570-603-9741